Curriculum Vitae
Notice des travaux

Some recent reviews
Vulgarisation en Français
Enseignement Post-Master, CNED

BOTTARO Family page

MEMOIRES (André Combes)

Françoise Combes
Collège de France et Observatoire de Paris
61 Av. de l'Observatoire
F-75 014 Paris, FRANCE
Dynamical Evolution and formation of Galaxies
N-body Simulations and Hydrodynamics
Dark Matter Dynamics
Molecular Clouds
Millimetric Radioastronomy
Thermodynamics of self-gravity
Some Press Releases
Galaxy Movies
Bar destruction and reformation
For the gif movie, click here (11 Mb) | Another case, in the rotating frame
Animated major merger between two spiral galaxies
For the gif movie, click here (0.5 Mb)
Gas=blue; Stars=red; Dark matter=green.
How does a galaxy become a barred spiral?
6 steps from a movie of bar formation, simulated by N-body simulations
Time is running from left to right, by step of 200 Myrs
In each row: Top= stellar component; Bottom= gas component
Photo Corner