; ; AC 10/02/2006: a very simple demo ; ; Because color managment is not obvious in IDL/GDL, ; we move that to optionnal part of these tests ; pro ac_gdl_demo, color=color ; ; on active les couleurs pour le fit de la Gaussienne ; init des couleurs ;DEVICE, DECOMPOSED=0 ;loadct, 0 ; restauration des couleurs ; ; init de la lecture clavier mess='' ; plot, FINDGEN(100), title='Findgen' read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; plot, FINDGEN(20), psym=2, title='Findgen and psym' read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; plot, RANDOMU(seed,10000), xtitle='10 000 points, randomU' read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; plot, RANDOMN(seed,1000), title='1 000 points, randomN', psym=2 read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; a=sin(findgen(200)/10) plot,a,YRANGE=[-1.1,1.1] w=where( a ge shift(a,1) and a ge shift(a,-1)) plots,w,a[w],PSYM=2,SYMSIZE=2 read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; a=randomU(seed, 10000) plot, histogram(a,bin=0.05), psym=10, title='Histo of Uniform, 10 000 points' read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; a=randomN(seed, 10000) plot, histogram(a,bin=0.05), psym=10, title='Histo of Normal, 10 000 points' read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; ; Warning : Contour crashes in GDL 0.8.11 ! ; See also TEST_CONTOUR ; contour, dist(128), title='free axis' read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; contour, dist(128), title='constrained ranges', /xstyle,/ystyle read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; surface, dist(256) read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; wdelete print, 'test of color map' loadct, 39 ; tvscl, DIST(512) read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; print, 'Basic Tests are now finished' print, 'Don''t hesitate to have a look to the source code !' print, '' ; wdelete ; fermeture ; if NOT(KEYWORD_SET(color)) then begin print, 'Tests without use of Colors are now finished' print, 'in order to have reproducible colors, you need' print, 'some supplementary procedures/fucntions' return endif ; ; customisation des couleurs (creation du rouge !) ; AC_COLORS_EXTRA, table_number=39 ; ; WARNING: IDL gaussfit routine must be available ! ; Code source is available !! ; a=randomN(seed, 10000) HISTO, a, title='Gaussian Noise + fit, 10 000 points', /gauss, /info read, 'press enter to continue: ', mess ; ; il faudrait rajouter ici une image FITS sympa ! print, 'Ou est mon exemple FITS ?' ; print, 'Supplementary Tests are now finished' print, 'Don''t hesitate to have a look to the source code !' ; wdelete ; fermeture ; end