Publications en France 2005-2012

Baek, S., Ferrara, A., Semelin, B.
Joint Lyman α emitters - quasars reionization constraints
2012 MNRAS 423, 774

F. Viallefond, "A Data-model for New Generation Radiotelescopes", 2011, in proc. URSI, Paris, 29-30 March 2011

Vonlanthen, P., Semelin, B., Baek, S., Revaz, Y.
Distinctive rings in the 21 cm signal of the epoch of reionization
2011 A&A 532, A97

S. Bosse, S. Barth, S.A. Torchinsky, B. da Silva, 
``BeamFormer ASIC in UHF-L band for the Square Kilometer Array international project," 
2010, Proceedings of the 40th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France

A.J. Faulkner, and 13 co-authors including P. Picard and S.A. Torchinsky, 
"Aperture Arrays for the SKA: The SKADS White Paper," 2010, International SKA Memo #122,

Baek, S., Semelin, B., Di Matteo, P., Revaz, Y., Combes, F.	
Reionization by UV or X-ray sources
2010, A&A 523, A4

S.A. Torchinsky, "The Questions that Drive the Specifications", 
Proc. Widefield Science and Technology for the SKA, 4-6 November, 2009, 
S.A. Torchinsky, A. van Ardenne, T. van den Brink-Havinga, A.J.J. van Es, A.J. Faulkner (eds)

A.O.H. Olofsson, S.A. Torchinsky, and 14 co-authors, 
"Profiling the EMBRACE tile beam using GPS satellite carriers," 
Proc. Widefield Science and Technology for the SKA, 4-6 November, 2009, 
S.A. Torchinsky, A. van Ardenne, T. van den Brink-Havinga, A.J.J. van Es, A.J. Faulkner (eds)

S.J. Wijnholds and  8 co-authors including P Picard and S.A. Torchinsky, 
"EMBRACE: First Experimental Results with the Initial 10% of a 10,000 Element Phased Array Radio Telescope," 
Proc. Widefield Science and Technology for the SKA, 4-6 November, 2009, 
S.A. Torchinsky, A. van Ardenne, T. van den Brink-Havinga, A.J.J. van Es, A.J. Faulkner (eds)

R.C. Bolton, A.J. Faulkner, P. Alexander, S.A. Torchinsky, and 13 co-authors including P. Picard, 
"Design of an Aperture Phased Array System for the SKA" International 
SKA Memo 111, July 2009 

S. Bosse, M.-L. Grima, G. Kenfack, et al, 
"R&D at Nançay for Radio Astronomy Detectors and Systems" 
Astrophysics Detector Workshop 2008 P. Kern (ed) EAS Publications Series, 37 (2009) 127-134

Obreschkow, D., Klockner, H.-R., Heywood, I., Levrier, F., Rawlings, S.	
A Virtual Sky with Extragalactic H I and CO Lines for the Square Kilometre Array and the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array
2009, ApJ 703, 1890

Iliev, I et al including S. Baek and B. Semelin, 
Cosmological radiative transfer comparison project - II. The radiation-hydrodynamic tests
2009 MNRAS 400, 1283

Baek, S., di Matteo, P., Semelin, B., Combes, F., Revaz, Y.
The simulated 21 cm signal during the epoch of reionization: full modeling of the Ly-alpha pumping
2009 A&A 495, 389

A semi-empirical simulation of the extragalactic radio continuum sky for next generation radio telescopes
Wilman, R. J., Miller, L., Jarvis, M. J., Mauch, T., Levrier, F.,  et al.: 
2008 MNRAS 388, 1335

van Driel, W., Schneider, S. E., Lehnert, M., Minchin, R.
NIBLES: an H I census of local SDSS galaxies
2008 AIPC 1035, 256

Semelin, B., Combes, F., Baek, S.
Lyman-alpha radiative transfer during the epoch of reionization: contribution to 21-cm signal fluctuations
2007 A&A 474, 365

Torchinsky S.
Probing Dark Energy with SKA
Proc 19th Rencontres de Blois, 20-25 May 2007
Gerard, E., Le Bertre, T.
AGB circumstellar environments probed through the 21 cm atomic hydrogen line emission. A programme for the SKA?
2006 sf2a conf, 589

van Driel, W.
Cosmology with the SKA
2005 sf2a conf, 701

van Driel, W.
SKA breakthrough science
2005 sf2a conf, 53

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