The Astronomical Image Processing System (also known as AIPS) is installed in two machines (often called AIPS HOSTs)of the SIO. These are and running Digital Unix. The current AIPS version is 15OCT98.

Before one runs AIPS he/she should contact Jean-Marc Chevallier and request that he/she is added to the AIPS users access list. One should also verify that the X-terminal from where he/she is going to run AIPS is included in the AIPS file of "HOSTS.LIST".

Then, to start AIPS a user has to login in either of the two previous machines (ie mesioq) and issue the command:

mesioq> aips

Since each AIPS user has to run his/her own XASERVERS and only one of this processes can be run on each AIPS HOST we can have only one user running AIPS on either mesioq or mesiow.

When a second user tries to start AIPS the following messages appear:

XASERVERS: TVSERV is already running on host mesioq, user vollmer
XASERVERS: XAS is already running on host mesioq, display lani:0.0, user vollmer
XASERVERS: TEKSRV is already running on host mesioq, display lani:0.0, user vollmer
XASERVERS: MSGSRV is already running on host mesioq, display lani:0.0, user vollmer

where vollmer is the active AIPS user in mesioq and his display is lani:0.0

In that case you may want to check whether mesiow is available and request AIPS to start the XASERVERS there remotely using the command:

mesioq> aips tv=memiaa:mesiow

where one should replace memiaa with his/her DISPLAY.

Important Note:
One should note that after the end of the AIPS session the XASERVERS (TV, TEK and MSG windows) doe not die and the user SHOULD kill them manually. Please check that there are not any old processes running using the UNIX commands:

mesioq> ps | grep aips
mesioq> rsh mesiow ps | grep aips

and kill them doing:

mesioq> kill -9 PID1 PID2 PID3
mesioq> rsh mesiow kill -9 PID1 PID2 PID3

where PID1,PID2,PID3 are the process IDs of your XASERVERS.

More information on who to use AIPS can be found in the AIPS Cookbook.

If you have any problems using AIPS please contact Vassilis Charmandaris.

Vassilis Charmandaris
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