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APO Class Reference

Optimization class. More...

#include <APO.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

 APO ()
 ~APO ()
void set (Instrume *, Obs *, Transf *, Site *, Grid *)
void set (Grid *)
void reset ()
void correct (float dl)
void writeuvcov (char* fitsfile, long npix, float du)
void addvisi (int)
void subtractvisi (int)
void getgrad ()
int check (int iant, float x, float y,int nconf1,int *iconf1)
float getstdev ()
void shake (float dptacc)
int move (int, float, float, float)
void optimize (float, float)
void optimize (float, float, int)
void printvisi ()
void printdensity ()
void printforce (int iant, float fa, char *filename)
void printforce (int iant)
void getforce (float *, float *,int, float)
void getforce_shad (float *, float *,int, float, float gsh)
Instrumegetpinstr ()
Obsgetpobs ()
Transfgettransf ()
Sitegetpsite ()
Gridgetpgrid ()

Detailed Description

Optimization class.

In this class the different ingredients of an optimization are grouped: grid, site, instrument etc... But only one object of these classes can be included in an APO object. Most of the operations necessary to the optimization are defined in the methods of this class. Note that these methods tend to be obsolete: they were defined to handle only simple situations: only one grid, only one observational situation, only one site ...

It is therefore necessary to use the global functions taking several APO objects (actually an array of APO's) as argument when more complex situations are considered.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated at Tue Mar 5 20:02:54 2002 for APO by doxygen1.2.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000