; ; AC 14/02/2006 ; ; a simple test procedure for Plots procedure ; when !x.type EQ 1 OR !y.type=1 ; ; GDL and IDL behaviors are differents ; pro test_plots ; rep='' a=10^findgen(10) ; ; all is OK in Linear scale with Plots ; print, 'all goes well in Lin/Lin mode' plot, a print, !y.crange ; should be [0,10^9] because of /ylog print, !y.type ; should be 0 plots, [2,2], !y.crange, psym=-2 ; should plot only "small" plots, !x.range, [.5e9,.5e9], psym=-2 ; read, 'Press [enter] to continue:', rep print, 'Problems with YLOG' ; ; problem with vertical PLOTS with Ylog ; plot, a,/ylog print, !y.crange ; should be [0,9] because of /ylog print, !y.type ; should be 1 ;; plots, [2,2], !y.crange, psym=-2 ; should plot only "small" plots, [2,2], 10^!y.crange, psym=-3 ; should plot vertical line ; ; ; the same with horizontal plots ; read, 'Press [enter] to continue:', rep print, 'Problems with XLOG' ; plot, a , a, /xlog ;; plots, !x.crange, [.5e9,.5e9] ; somethings appears at the end ... plots, 10^!x.crange, [.5e9,.5e9], psym=-2 ; end