@COMMENT{AC 18/08/99} @COMMENT{Base bibliographique sur les detecteurs IR a bas flux} @COMMENT{Ordre: @COMMENT{1 Equipe Fouks, Suris, Vinokurov, Patraskin} @COMMENT{2 Autres equipes russes} @COMMENT{3 Equipe Haegel} @COMMENT{4 Equipe Teitworth} @COMMENT{5 Autres} @COMMENT{=====================} @COMMENT{1 Equipe Fouks, Suris, Vinokurov, Patraskin} @COMMENT{=====================} @ARTICLE{SurisFouks78, author = "Suris, R. A. and Fouks, B. I.", title = "Theory of transient processes in compensated semiconducteurs. {I}", journal = sps, year = 1978, month = dec, volume = 12, number = 12, pages = "1380--1384", } @ARTICLE{SurisFouks79, author = "Suris, R. A. and Fouks, B. I.", title = "Theory of transient processes in compensated semiconducteurs. {II}", journal = sps, year = 1979, month = jan, volume = 13, number = 1, pages = "79--86", } @ARTICLE{SurisFouks80, author = "Suris, R. A. and Fouks, B. I.", title = "Theory of nonlinear processes in compensated semiconducteurs", journal = sps, year = 1980, month = aug, volume = 14, number = 8, pages = "896--901", } @ARTICLE{SurisFouks80N1, author = "Suris, R. A. and Fouks, B. I.", title = "Noise in finite compensated semiconductors. {I}. {G}eneration-recombinaison noise", journal = sps, year = 1980, month = jun, volume = 14, number = 6, pages = "641--646", } @ARTICLE{SurisFouks80N2, author = "Suris, R. A. and Fouks, B. I.", title = "Noise in finite compensated semiconductors. {II}. Johnson noise and contact noise", journal = sps, year = 1980, month = jun, volume = 14, number = 6, pages = "647--652", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Fouks92ESA, author = "Fouks, B. I.", title = "Nonstationary behaviour of low background photon detectors", booktitle = "ESA SP-356 Photon Detectors for Space Instrumentation ", year = 1992, month = dec, pages = "167--174", } @ARTICLE{Fouks97, author = "Fouks, B. I.", title = "Theory of photoresponse of low-background {IR} detectors", journal = posp, year = 1997, month = oct, volume = 3122, pages = "441--452", } @ARTICLE{1997SPIE.3155...78F, author = "{Filachev}, A. M. and Fouks, B. I. and {Greenfeld}, D.", title = "Nature of distortions of the surface pattern produced by precise electron-beam processing of insulators", journal = posp, year = 1997, month = sep, volume = 3155, pages = "78--88", } @ARTICLE{Fouks96, author = "Fouks, B. I.", title = "Phenomena in low-background {IR} detectors under high-energy particles", journal = posp, year = 1996, month = oct, volume = 2817, pages = "160--171", } @ARTICLE{Fouks1996modes, author = "Fouks, B. I.", title = "Active modes of operation of low-background extrinsic {IR} detectors", journal = posp, year = 1996, month = apr, volume = 2790, pages = "38--46", } @ARTICLE{Fouks95theo, author = "Fouks, B. I.", title = "On Problems of operation of low-background {IR} detectors", journal = posp, year = 1995, month = sep, volume = 2553, pages = "489--500", } @ARTICLE{1995SPIE.2475..476P, author = "{Patrashin}, M. A. and Fouks, B. I. and {Lemke}, D. and {Wolf}, J.", title = "Radiation-induced effects in extrinsic far-infrared detectors", journal = posp, year = 1995, month = jun, volume = 2475, pages = "476--486", } @ARTICLE{1994SPIE.2269..727F, author = "Fouks, B. I. and Kocherov, V. F. and Taubkin, I. I. and Vinokurov, L. A. and Zaletaev, N. B.", title = "Photoelectric cross talk between the elements of an extrinsic photoconductor detector array at low backgrounds", journal = posp, year = 1994, month = oct, volume = 2269, pages = "727--735", } @ARTICLE{Fouks94Opt, author = "Fouks, B. I. and {Kocherov}, V. F. and {Taubkin}, I. I. and Vinokurov, L. A. and {Zaletaev}, N. B.", title = "Photoresponse of low-background extrinsic infrared detector arrays", journal = oe, year = 1994, month = may, volume = 33, pages = "1485--1491", } @ARTICLE{1993SPIE.1762..519F, author = "Fouks, B. I.", title = "Nonstationary processes in extrinsic photoconductors", journal = posp, year = 1993, month = jan, volume = 1762, pages = "519--530", } @ARTICLE{Fouks81, author = "Fouks, B. I.", title = "Injection properties of contacts to high-resistivity semiconductors. {I}--{II}", journal = sps, year = 1981, month = sep, volume = 15, number = 9, pages = "974--980, 980--986", } @ARTICLE{Fouks81a, author = "Fouks, B. I.", title = "Injection properties of contacts to high-resistivity semiconductors. {I}", journal = sps, year = 1981, month = sep, volume = 15, number = 9, pages = "974--980", } @ARTICLE{Fouks81b, author = "Fouks, B. I.", title = "Injection properties of contacts to high-resistivity semiconductors. {II}", journal = sps, year = 1981, month = sep, volume = 15, number = 9, pages = "980--986", } @ARTICLE{FouksSchu95, author = "Fouks, B. I. and {Schubert}, J.", title = "Precise theoretical description of photoresponse for detectors of {ISOPHOT}'s {S}i:{G}a array", journal = posp, year = 1995, month = jun, volume = 2475, pages = "487--498", } @ARTICLE{VinoFouks88, author = "Vinokurov, L. A. and Fouks, B. I.", title = "Spreading of the current in a photosensitive medium exhibiting an extrinsic photoconductivity", journal = sps, year = 1988, month = nov, volume = 22, number = 11, pages = "1258--1262", } @ARTICLE{VinoFouks91, author = "Vinokurov, L. A. and Fouks, B. I.", title = "Nonlinear photoresponse of extrinsic photoconductors", journal = sps, year = 1991, month = nov, volume = 25, number = 11, pages = "1207--1211", } @ARTICLE{VinoZKF92, author = "Vinokurov, L. A. and Zaletaev, N. B. and Kocherov, V. F. and Fouks, B. I.", title = "Spreading of time dependent photocurrrent in {S}i:{G}a", journal = sps, year = 1992, month = apr, volume = 26, number = 4, pages = "433--435", } @Article{Patra97, author = "Patrashin, M. A. and Fouks, B. I. and Grozinger, U. and Lemke, D. and Wolf, J.", title = "Residual conductivity of stressed {G}e:{G}a photoconductors after low-dose gamma irradiation", Journal = jap, year = 1997, month = aug, volume = 82, number = 3, pages = "1450--1453", } @ARTICLE{Patra98a, author = "Patrashin, M. A. and Fujiwara, M. and Hiromoto, N. and Fouks, B. I.", title = "Far-infrared {G}e:{G}a detector for low-background space-based astronomical observations", journal = posp, year = 1998, month = aug, volume = 3354, pages = "232--239", } @ARTICLE{Patra98b, author = "Patrashin, A. I. and Ivanov, G. A.", title = "Testing unit for measuring photoelectric characteristics of {IR} arrays", journal = posp, year = 1998, month = jul, volume = 3379, pages = "555--560", } @COMMENT{=====================} @COMMENT{2 Autres equipes russes} @COMMENT{=====================} @Article{BOT92, author = "Blokhin, I. K. and Osipov, V. V. and Taubkin, I. I.", title = "Coordinate dependence of photosensitivity and other pecularities of extrinsic photoconductor detectors at low backgrounds", journal = irp, year = 1992, volume = "33", number = "1", pages = "9--26", } @Article{BloKho86, author = "Blokhin, I. K. and Kholodnov, V. A.", title = "Characteristics of the signal and noise currents in longitudinal extrinsic photoconductors in the background-limited regime", journal = sps, year = 1986, volume = "20", number = "10", pages = "1208--1210", } @Article{BloRaKho89, author = "Blokhin, I. K. and Rakhubovskii, A. A. and Kholodnov, V. A.", title = "Frequency characteristics of an isotypic contact with a high-resistivity semiconductor", journal = sps, year = 1989, volume = "23", number = "10", pages = "1082--1085", } @Article{BloGorKho89, author = "Blokhin, I. K. and Gorshkova, T. A. and Kholodnov, V. A.", title = "Nonlinear distortions of the photocurrent of high-resistance impurity photoresistors", journal = "Scripta Technica", year = 1989, pages = "106--113", } @Article{SheinShi76, author = "Sheinkman, M. K. and Shik, A. Y.", title = "Long-term relaxation and residual conductivity of semiconductors (review)", journal = sps, year = 1976, volume = "10", number = "2", pages = "128--143", month = feb, } @COMMENT{=====================} @COMMENT{3 Equipe Haegel} @COMMENT{=====================} @Article{White85, author = "White, A. M.", title = "The characteristics of monority-carrier exclusion in narrow direct gap semoconductors", journal = irp, year = 1985, volume = 26, number = 6, pages = "729--741", } @Article{HaegelBLH89, author = "Haegel, N. M. and Beeman, J. W. and Luke, P. N. and Haller, N. N.", title = "Transient photoconductivity in {G}e:{B}e due to {B}e$^+$ formation", journal = prb, year = 1989, volume = 39, number = 6, month = feb, pages = "3677--3682", } @Article{Haegel89, author = "Haegel, N. M. and White, A. M.", title = "Modeling of near-contact field and carrier distributions in extrinsic germanium photoconductors", journal = irp, year = 1989, volume = "29", number = "5", pages = "915--923", } @Article{Haegel93, author = "Haegel, N. M. and Latasa, C. A. and White, A. M.", title = "Transient response of infrared photoconductors~: the roles of contacts and space charge", journal = "Applied Physics", year = 1993, volume = "{A}~56", pages = "15--21", } @Article{Haegel96, author = "Haegel, N. M. and Brennan, C. R. and White, A. M.", title = "Transport in extrinsic photoconductors: a comprehensive model for transient response", journal = jap, year = 1996, month = aug, volume = "80", number = "3", pages = "1510--1514", } @InProceedings{Haegel96proc, author = "Haegel, N. M. and Newton, C. and Simoes, J. C. and White, A. M.", title = "Modeling of transient response in far infrared photoconductors", editor = "30th ESLAB Symp", number = "SP-388", pages = "15--20", booktitle = "Submillimeter and far infrared space instrumentation", year = 1996, organization = "ESA", publisher = "ESA", address = "ESTEC", month = dec, } @Article{Haegel99, author = "Haegel, N. M. and Simoes, J. C. and White, A. M. and Beeman, J. W.", title = "Transient behavior of infrared photoconductors: application of a numerical model", journal = ao, year = 1999, month = apr, volume = 38, number = 10, pages = "1910--1919", } @ARTICLE{Haegel01, author = {{Haegel}, N.~M. and {Schwartz}, W.~R. and {Zinter}, J. and {White}, A.~M. and {Beeman}, J.~W.}, title = "{Origin of the Hook Effect in Extrinsic Photoconductors}", journal = ao, year = 2001, month = nov, volume = 40, pages = {5748-5754}, } @COMMENT{=====================} @COMMENT{4 Equipe Teitworth} @COMMENT{=====================} @Article{TeitLW86, author = "Teitsworth, S. W. and Lynn, B. A. and Westervelt, R. M.", title = "Chaotic dynamics in a simple model of extrinsic photoconductors", journal = prl, year = 1986, volume = "{T}~14", pages = "71--75", } @Article{TeitWest84, author = "Teitsworth, S. W. and Westervelt, R. M.", title = "Chaos and broadband noise in extrinsic photoconductors", journal = prl, year = 1984, volume = "53", number = "27", pages = "2587--2590", month = dec, } @Article{WestTeit85, author = "Westervelt, R. M. and Teitsworth, S. W.", title = "Nonlinear transient response of extrinsic {G}e far-infrared photodetectors", journal = jap, year = 1985, volume = "57", number = "2", pages = "5457--5469", month = jun, } @COMMENT{=====================} @COMMENT{5 Autres} @COMMENT{=====================} @Article{Sclar84, author ="Sclar, N", title = "Properties of doped silicon and germanium infrared detectors", journal = "Prog. Quant. Electr.", year = 1984, volume = 9, pages = "149--257", } @ARTICLE{Hiromoto92, author = "Hiromoto, N. and Itabe, T. and Shibai, H. and Matsuhara, H. and Nakagawa, T. and Okuda, H.", title = "Three-element stressed {G}e:{G}a photoconductor array for the infrared telescope in space", journal = ao, year = 1992, month = feb, volume = 31, pages = "460--465", } @ARTICLE{Fuji95, author = "Fujiwara, M. and Hiromoto, N. and Araki, K.", title = "Moderate-fast transient response of the {G}e:{G}a photoconductors", journal = posp, year = 1995, month = sep, volume = 2552, pages = "421--429", } @ARTICLE{Fazio98, author = "{Fazio}, G. G. and {Hora}, J. L. and {Willner}, S. P. and {Stauffer}, J. R. and {Ashby}, M. L. and {Wang}, Z. and {Tollestrup}, E. V. and {Pipher}, Judith L. and {Forrest}, William J. and {McCreight}, Craig R. and {Moseley}, S. H. and {Hoffmann}, William F. and {Eisenhardt}, Peter and {Wright}, Edward L.", title = "Infrared array camera ({IRAC}) for the {S}pace {I}nfrared {T}elescope {F}acility ({SIRTF})", journal = posp, year = 1998, month = aug, volume = 3354, pages = "1024--1031", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Poglitsch03, author = {{Poglitsch}, A. and {Katterloher}, R.~O. and {Hoenle}, R. and {Beeman}, J.~W. and {Haller}, E.~E. and {Richter}, H. and {Groezinger}, U. and {Haegel}, N.~M. and {Krabbe}, A.}, title = "{Far-infrared photoconductors for Herschel and SOFIA}", booktitle = {Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy. Proceedings of the SPIE}, volume= {4855} editor={Phillips, T.G. and Zmuidzinas, J.} organization={SPIE}, year = 2003, month = feb, pages = {115-128}, }