@COMMENT{AC le 25 MArs 2004} @COMMENT{==================================================} @COMMENT{Base Bibliographique sur les modeles de bolometres} @COMMENT{==================================================} @COMMENT{Alias pour les noms de revues} @COMMENT{cf ~/InfraRed/TRAVAIL_IAS/BIB_IAS/NEW_abreviations.bib} @STRING{ao = "Applied Optics"} @ARTICLE{Woodcraft03, author = {{Woodcraft}, A.~L. and {Sudiwala}, R.~V. and {Ade}, P.~A.~R. and {Griffin}, M.~J. and {Wakui}, E. and {Bhatia}, R.~S. and {Lange}, A.~E. and {Bock}, J.~J. and {Turner}, A.~D. and {Yun}, M.~H. and {Beeman}, J.~W. }, title = "{Predicting the response of a submillimeter bolometer to cosmic rays}", journal = ao, year = 2003, month = sep, volume = 42, pages = {5009-5016}, } @ARTICLE{ChaninTorre84, author = {{Chanin}, G. and {Torre}, J.~P.}, title = "{Electrothermal model for ideal semiconductor bolometers}", journal = {Optical Society of America Journal}, year = 1984, month = apr, volume = 1, pages = {412-419}, } @ARTICLE{1984ApOpt..23..584M, author = {{Mather}, J.~C.}, title = "{Bolometers: ultimate sensitivity, optimization, and amplifier coupling}", journal = ao, year = 1984, month = feb, volume = 23, pages = {584-588}, } @ARTICLE{1982ApOpt..21.1125M, author = {{Mather}, J.~C.}, title = "{Bolometer noise: nonequilibrium thoery}", journal = ao, year = 1982, month = mar, volume = 21, pages = {1125-1129}, } @ARTICLE{1981ApOpt..20.3992M, author = {{Mather}, J.~C.}, title = "{Bolometer cavity design for efficiency}", journal = ao, year = 1981, month = dec, volume = 20, pages = {3992-3993}, } @ARTICLE{1985RScI...56..318T, author = {{Torre}, J.~P. and {Chanin}, G.}, title = "{Miniature liquid-$^{3}$He refrigerator}", journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, year = 1985, month = feb, volume = 56, pages = {318-320}, } @ARTICLE{1984RScI...55..213T, author = {{Torre}, J.~P. and {Chanin}, G.}, title = "{Heat switch for liquid-helium temperatures}", journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, year = 1984, month = feb, volume = 55, pages = {213-215}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{1978acge...23..640T, author = {{Torre}, J.~P. and {Chanin}, G.}, title = "{Test flight results of a balloon-borne He-3 cryostat}", booktitle = {Advances in cryogenic engineering. Volume 23 - Proceedings of the Conference, Boulder, Colo., August 2-5, 1977. (A79-15301 04-31) New York, Plenum Press, 1978, p. 640-643.}, year = 1978, pages = {640-643}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{1990fgbs.rept..359G, author = {{Griffin}, M. and {Ade}, P. and {Church}, S. and {Murray}, A. and {Overhamm}, M. and {Faymonville}, R. and {Wang}, S.}, title = "{Performance tests on Ge:Ga and Ge:Be detectors for the ISO long wavelength spectrometer}", journal = {ESA (SEE N91-21986 13-89)}, booktitle = {From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy}, year = 1990, month = dec, pages = {359-364}, }