Old Observatory, Beijing
C41/ICHA Activities at the IAU General Assembly in Beijing, August 2012
The Commission and its Working Groups plan a number of business and science meetings at the 2012 IAU General Assembly. The following programme is provisional; further details and any changes will be posted here as they become available.

Invited Keynote Lecture
When the Chinese met the West: A Review of the Dissemination and Influence of Indian, Arabic and European Astronomy and Astrology in the Imperial China
by Professor SHI Yunli, Department of the History of Science, University of Science and Technology of China
Wednesday August 22, 14:00 – 14.30)
In traditional Chinese ideology, the tianwen ?? (Celestial Patterns) and lifa ?? (Calendar) are important matters in the legitimization and maintenance of a regime. From very early times, astrology and astronomy became a crucial element in statecraft and establishments were always installed in the government to take care of these matters, which formed a tradition very scrupulously observed and documented by every Chinese dynasty without substantial interruption in thousands of years. A special system consisting of astrology and astronomy was developed and kept on developing on its own track. Such a long and well established tradition did not prevent China from receiving, though sometimes with reluctance and selection, arts and knowledge in astronomy and astrology from outside that might supplement and enhance the indigenous ones. This talk will give a survey on the history of the Chinese reception of astronomical and astrological knowledge from “the West”, namely, India in 7th to 10th centuries, Arabic area in 13th to 15th centuries and Europe in 16th to 18th centuries. Except tracing down the cultural impacts of the new knowledge from outside, I will concentrate on how the new knowledge was appropriated by Chinese governments, as well as by Chinese astronomers and astrologers.
Proceedings of Venus Transit Conference
The proceedings of the Venus Transit Conference (Tromsø 2012), edited by P.S. Aspaas and C. Sterken are available at the Journal of Astronomical Data, Volume 19(1) 2013

Proceedings of ICOA-7
The proceedings of the International Conference on Oriental Astronomy (ICOA–7) are available from Mitsuru Soma

IAU S278 Proceedings
are now available
Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy: Building Bridges between Cultures
(the 9th “Oxford” International Symposium on Archaeoastronomy)
Astronomy and World Heritage
IAU Working Group on Astronomy and World Heritage

The Commission’s Astronomy and World Heritage Working Group is working with UNESCO to advance their Astronomy and World Heritage Initiative.The new web portal serving UNESCO’s Astronomy and World Heritage Initiative was launched on August 24 at the sessions of the Astronomy and World Heritage Working Group. The site is a dynamic, publicly accessible database, discussion forum and document repository on astronomical heritage sites throughout the world, even if they are not on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

ICOMOS–IAU Thematic Study
The printed edition of the ICOMOS–IAU Thematic Study on the Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy is now available

SpS5 - IAU GA Rio
The proceedings of the Rio GA Special Session on “Accelerating the Rate of Astronomical Discovery” have been published in Proceedings of Science