Journée des doctorants 2011 du LERMA
Vendredi 6 mai 2011
Observatoire de Paris - Salle Danjon
Ordre du jour
9h30-9h50 Benjamin L'Huillier : "Galaxy Formation : the Role of Gas Accretion" (F. Combes)
9h50-10h10 Yann Brouet : Characterization of dielectric properties of planetary surfaces" (P. Encrenaz)
10h10-10h30 Grégory Gay : "Hot Electron Bolometer on membrane development for THz detection" (L. Pagani, Y. Delorme)
10h30-10h50 Marc Joos : "Protostellar disk formation during magnetized core collapse" (P. Hennebelle)
10h50-11h20 Pause café
11h20-11h40 Walter Yvart : "Signatures Moléculaire des Jets Protostellaires" (S. Cabrit)
11h40-12h00 Lionel de Sá : "Accretion shocks on T Tauri stars" (C. Stehlé)
12h00-12h20 Victoria Galligani : "Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Satellite Observations for Ice Cloud Characterization" (C. Prigent)
12h20-12h35 Kangmin Zhou : "Development of superconducting detectors for Antarctif THz telescope" (Y. Delorme)
12h35-14h00 Déjeuner : buffet en salle Danjon ou dehors s'il fait beau
14h00-14h20 Anaëlle Halle : "Simulating galaxies with dark baryons" (F. Combes)
14h20-14h40 Lisseth Gavilan : "Molecular hydrogen formation in the laboratory and space" (J-L Lemaire)
14h40-15h00 Etienne Morey : "Stripping a debris disk by gravitational interaction with an inner planet" (J-F Lestrade)
15h00- 15h20 Maxime Paul : "Emissivité infrarouge des surfaces continentales" (P. Aires, C. Prigent)
15h20-15h40 Pause
15h40-16h00 Romain Selier : "High-Excitation Blobs and isolated massive star formation in the Magellanic Clouds" (M. Heydari-Malayeri)
16h00-16h20 Emmanuel Jacquet : "Formation et evolution des solides dans les disques protoplanétaires : une approche expérimentale et théorique" (S. Balbus, M. Gounelle)
16h20-16h40 Cathie Zheng : "à confirmer" (B. Semelin)
16h40-17h00 Viviana Guzman : "à confirmer" (M. Gerin)