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Vendredi 2 avril 2010 à 14H

77 avenue Denfert Rochereau, Paris 14

Salle de l'Atelier, Observatoire de Paris

Hydrogen formation in PDRs: Laboratory studies on recombinative hydrogen desorption from carbonaceous materials.


IFA Aarhus Dk \& LAMAp/LERMA

Résumé : The understanding of hydrogen molecule formation on bare carbonaceous grain surfaces at the temperatures found in the photodissociation regions (PDR) of interstellar molecular clouds has been boosted by the discovery that hydrogen atoms with high translational energies ($>2000$K) can bind to graphite surfaces in the chemisorption state. In the same study it was found that this state is stable at room temperature on a laboratory time scale, and that hydrogen molecules desorb recombinatively with a first order kinetics mechanism when the surface is heated.
We have performed laboratory studies on the dynamics and kinetics of hydrogen molecules formation on carbonaceous materials (graphite, single wall carbon nanotubes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and graphene) in the chemisorption regime. In our laser assisted associative desorption (LAAD) experiments we find a high translational energy distribution for the desorbing molecules, as a result of the strong exothermicity of the recombination reaction. We will also present temperature programmed desorption and angular distribution measurements, including desorption from defect sites. Isotope effects have also been studied. All results will be discussed in terms of the energy barriers involved and will be compared to ab-initio calculations. Scanning tunnelling microscopy images on atomic hydrogen adsorbate structure on graphene and graphite will be compared.