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Vendredi 16 avril 2004 à 14 h

77 avenue Denfert Rochereau, Paris 14

Salle de l'Atelier, Observatoire de Paris

Properties of spiral galaxy stellar halos

Mustapha Mouhcine

(Nottingham University)

Résumé : Were the extended stellar halos the first stellar populations to form in spiral galaxies, or have they been accreted over time from dwarf galaxies? What are the systematic relations between the disk, the bulge and the halo? Does stellar mass of the halo scale with the mass of the bulge or the mass of the entire galaxy? To begin to address such questions we observed a sample of nearby spiral galaxies with the HST and resolved the top few magnitudes of the red-giant branch in the halo population. These observations allow the first systematic study of the spatial distributions, metallicities and metallicity distributions of halo stars in normal spiral galaxies outside of the Local Group. I will present the analysis of the colour-magnitude diagrams, including estimates of the mean metallicities and metallicity distributions, and first systematic trends within the sample of galaxies. A major result is that the metal-poor stellar halo of the Milky Way may be peculiar for a luminous spiral galaxy. I will also present new constraints on the halo galaxy assembly and the protogalactic galaxy population that has formed the galactic halos from the modelling of the new stellar halo metallicity-parent galaxy luminosity.