salle 204 du LAM (bâtiment 18, Meudon, Observatoire de Paris
"Some advances in photospheric and chromospheric diagnostic techniques:
the 1.52 microns Mn I line and the He I 10830 A multiplet"
Résumé :
I will present details of two observational tools that can help us
understand some aspects
of the solar magnetism. For chromospheric diagnostics, I will present a
forward modeling and inversion code
that permits to calculate the emergent intensity and polarization for
any magnetic field taking
into account the effect of atomic polarization. I present a recent
application to the neutral
helium 1083 nm multiplet, where we point out the importance of atomic
polarization even for
very large values of the magnetic field. Concerning the photosphere, I
will present the details
of a recently discovered Mn I line and its potential for infering
information about the magnetic
field strength of the solar photosphere.