ARLOT J.E. IMCCE/observatoire de Paris
77 avenue Denfert-Rochereau Non-teacher
75014 PARIS, France
Presentation 1 : Poster
The mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter: easy learning and scientific research together
V. Lainey and J.E. Arlot
The mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites occur every six years. Their observation is very easy since the Galilean satellites are very bright and the observation allows to learn what is done at the present time in the field of the scientific research concerning the Galilean satellites. More, observations made using small telescopes available for amateur astronomers in high schools, will be fully usable by scientific researchers to get new information on the dynamics of the Galilean satellites. This paper will explain how teachers and their pupils may participate to an international campaign of observation organized by professional astronomers worldwide.