Hoette Vivian University of Chicago, Yerkes Observatory
373 West Geneva St. Teacher-other-school
53191 Williams Bay, WI 53191, USA
Presentation 1 : Remote observation
Yerkes Observatory Rooftop Telescopes
Vivian Hoette, Kevin McCarron
We will observe from Paris using the Yerkes Observatory's Rooftop Telescopes. Kevin McCarron will be on hand at Yerkes while Vivian and Conference particpants operate the telescopes.
Presentation 2 : Practical demonstration
Optical Powers: Telescopes and Observing
Vivian Hoette, Doug Arion, Kate Meredith, Kevin Crosby
With funding from the Center for Adaptive Optics we have developed a curriculum for teaching the basics about telescopes and imaging systems. The unit is designed for middle school through high school. Certainly it will be useful to any beginning student using telescopes and imaging systems.