Mankiewicz Lech Center for Theoretical Physics
Al. Lotników 32/46 Non-Teacher-
02-668 Warsaw, Poland
Presentation 1 : Oral/Invited
Status report of PL-HOU and very low cost CCD systems
Lech Mankiewicz and Grzegorz Wrochna
The Hands on Universe has just started as education project in Polish schools. It seems to be an ideal tool to promote advanced technology and scientific thinking among students. The leading Polish research institutions - Copernicus Astronomical Center and Center for Theoretical Physics - have offered their full support to the project, while the Ministry for Education is still weighting its response to the PL-HOU initiative. In order to increase interest in the program, we propose to introduce it together with an additional package based on a low cost webcam which allows students to take their own pictures of the sky and process them acording to methods they have learned in the HOU. In this way students are able to discover themselves that sky is a dynamical, variable system at additional cost of no more than Euro 150 per setup. Exchanging experience and data through participation in the network of affordable school CCD observatories further promotes technological and social skills needed to survive in the era of globalisation.