Catherine Prigent
Senior Research Scientist (CNRS)

Observatoire de Paris, 61 avenue de l'Observatoire, 75 014 Paris, France
E-mail :
Phone: + 33 1 40 51 20 18

I work on the analysis of satellite data for Earth observations, for weather forecast and climate applications, essentially in the microwave domain. My research includes radiative transfer modeling (e.g., microwave sea surface emissivity model), retrieval of key surface variables (e.g., land and ocean surface temperatures, continental surface water extent and dynamics), or the development of cloud water and ice estimations. I am involved in the preparation of several satellite instruments, with ESA, EUMETSAT, and CNES (e.g., MWI and ICI on board MetOp-SG, the Copernicus CIMR mission, SWOT).


Curriculum Vitae

Last modifications: October 31, 2019