Programme PNPS

Cet atelier comporte une partie commune avec le PNST Lundi 14 Juin et avec le PNPS Jeudi 17 Juin.
Bertrand Plez
Pour la session commune avec PNST, Ludwig Klein, Marie-Jo Goupil, Claude Catala
Pour la session commune avec ASHRA, Bruno Lopez, Fabien Malbet, Guy Perrin

Lundi 14 et Jeudi 17 Juin 2004
Session Commune PNPS+PNST: le magnétisme solaire et stellaire
09:00-09:25 P. Petit Dynamo processes and differential rotation in solar-type stars
09:25-09:40 A.S. Brun Stellar magnetic activity and dynamo effect
09:40-09:55 J. Ballot Convection/rotation interaction in young solar-like stars: 3-D hydrodynamic simulations
09:55-10:20 C. Briand What's new about intergranular magnetic field
10:20-10:45 F. Lignieres Origine des champs magnetiques des etoiles chaudes: modeles et questions en suspens
11:00-11:25 R. Grappin, G. Aulanier Structure and dynamics of the solar corona: the peculiar role of the photosphere
11:25-11:40 J. Bouvier Star-disc magnetospheric interaction in T Tauri stars
11:40-11:55 I. Zouganelis Solar wind acceleration: relevance of kinetic collisionless models
11:55-12:10 M. Chadid Interactions between shock waves, turbulence and magnetic field in the atmospheres of post-main sequence stars.
12:10-12:25 H. Ozawa The X-ray emission from Young Stellar Objects in the rho Ophiuchi dark cloud as seen by XMM-Newton
12:25-12:40 J.F. Donati ESPADONs: the new generation stellar spectropolarimeter


Lundi 14 Atelier PNPS
Stellar Formation - Young objects
14:00-14:15COMBET Celine Flows around low and high mass young stellar objects: Effects of opacity and magnetic field
14:15-14:30HENNEBELLE Patrick Collapse and fragmentation of self-gravitating filaments
14:30-14:45FROMANG Sebastien Planet migration in protoplanetary magnetized disks
14:45-15:00MEYNADIER Frédéric Massive star forming regions in the Magellanic Clouds : results from recent observations
15:00-15:15MINIER Vincent Massive protostellar cores: Galactic distribution and dynamics
Low mass stars
15:15-15:30 ALLARD France Spectral Properties of Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Planets
15:30-15:45BOUY Herve Statistical and Physical properties of binaries of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs
15:45-16:00MORAUX Estelle Brown dwarfs and the substellar mass function of young open clusters
Transport processes in stellar interiors
16:15-016:30MATHIS Stephane Mixing in stellar radiation zones: new theoretical results
16:30-16:45BARBAN Caroline New observations of solar-like oscillations in red giant stars
16:45-17:00GARCIA Rafael A. The solar radiative interior: gravity modes and future instrumentation
17:00-17:15MOSSER Benoît Asteroseismology with HARPS : first observations and new insights on a Corot target
17:15-17:30BARRIERE-FOUCHET Laure Towards measuring dust settling in protoplanetary disks
Grands releves
17:30-17:45BEAULIEU Jean-philippe Probing the atmosphere of the bulge G5III star OGLE-2002-BUL-069 by analysis of microlense H alpha line
17:45-18:00LEYGNAC Sébastien Radiative shocks experiments with high energy density lasers: 3D geometric effects on the radiative transfer
18:00-18:15REESE Daniel Shear Alfvén modes in magnetized spherical shells

Jeudi 17 Juin 2004
Journée commune ASHRA/PNPS "Physique stellaire et Interférométrie optique"
09:00-09:30 Denis MOURARD Introduction à la mesure interférométrique + Breve revue des interféromètres existants
09:40-10:00 Romain PETROV AMBER (état, premiers résultats, ouverture)
10:30-10:50 Olivier CHESNEAU Status of the MIDI instrument and first scientific results
10:50-11:05Gaspard DUCHESNE ASPROand its user's support : the JMMC tools for preparing VLTI Observations
11:05-11:20Michel TALLONLogiciel de modélisation JMMC
11:20-11:35Serge MEIMONA new reconstruction method for optical interferometry
11:35-12:00Guy PERRINRéduction des données AMBER et MIDI : comment se former et accéder aux logiciels de réduction


Résultats récents en physique stellaire
14:00-14:15NARDETTO NicolasThe conversion factor from radial to pulsation velocity and the distances determination of classical cepheids
14:15-14:30THEVENIN FrédéricFrom stellar radius to limb-darkening constraints with VINCI/VLTI for asteroseismic targets
114:30-14:45CHESNEAU OlivierSub-arcsecond dusty environment of Eta Carinae
114:45-15:00MENUT Jean-lucA first result of the analysis of T Sgr MIDI data and modelisation
115:00-15:15PERRIN GuyThe close molecular environnement of Miras and supergiants
115:15-15:30PESENTI NicolasHigh-angular resolution diagnostics : disc winds in young stars
115:30-15:45DI FOLCO EmmanuelFirst observations of Vega-like stars with the VLTI
115:45-16:00LACHAUME RégisThe structure of circumstellar accretion discs : does self-gravity prevent stellar irradiation from heating up the disc ?
16:30-16:45DUTREY AnnePremiers resultats du temps Garanti MIDI sur les disques entourant les etoiles jeunes
116:45-17:00DUCHENE GaspardA high angular resolution survey for multiple systems among protostars
117:00-17:30RIDGWAY StevePerspectives de l'interferometrie pour la physique stellaire
117:30-18:00MALBET Fabien, LOPEZ BrunoLes programmes stellaires de MIDI et AMBER (exposé et discussion commune, présentation du contenu des programmes sur temps garanti)