MAIN Data, coordinates and flags.








Float s AEDF format version




Double s EPOCH Integration mid-point


Int Config-description identifier


Int Field identifier

Data description


Float( Ncm, Nbb) Scale factor(s) for the cross and/or auto-correlations


Int( Ncm, Nbb) Bit size(s) for the cross and/or auto-correlations

Non-key attributes


Double s Time interval


Int Execute identifier


Int Scan number


Int Subscan number


Int Integration number


Int( Na) State identifier


Double(3, Na) m UVW coordinates


Double( Nbb, Na) s Effective integration time


Double( Nbb, Na) s EPOCH Time centroid



String Data object identifier

Flag information


Int( Na) Flags concerning antennas


Int( Na, Nc) Flags concerning antennas and polarization


Int( Na, Nc, Nbb) Flags concerning antennas, polarization and basebands


Bool The row flag

Notes: Nbb is the number of basebands (attribute of the CONFIG_DESCRIPTION table), The form of the data object is determined by the attributes of the Data description section in the CONFIG_DESCRIPTION table and by Nc, the number of correlation products, Nf, the number of frequency channels and Napc which is 1 or 2. These three sizes Nc, Nf and Napc are known via the identifiers in the DATA_DESCRIPTION_ARRAY collection. AEDF_VERSION EDF revision number, expressed as major_revision.minor_revision.

TIME Mid-point (not centroid) of data interval.

CONFIG_DESCRIPTION_ID Configuration descriptor identifier (> 0) providing a direct index into the CONFIG_DESCRIPTION sub-table row number. Note that two or more sub-arrays cannot refer to the same CONFIG_DESCRIPTION_ID identifier.

FIELD_ID Field identifier (> 0)

SCALE_FACTOR Scaling factors for the auto-correlated data (case Ncm= 1) or for the cross-correlated and auto-correlated data (case Ncm= 2) , this for each of the Nbb basebands, which are stored in the data cell.

BIT_SIZE The numbers of bytes (2 or 4) for the auto-correlations (case Ncm= 1) or for the auto-correlated and cross-correlated data, this for each of the Nbb basebands, which are stored in the data cell indexed by the DATA_OIDobject identifier.

INTERVAL Data sampling interval. This is the nominal data interval, it does not include the effects of bad data or partial integration. EXECUTE_ID This provides access to a row number in the EXECUTE_SUMMARY table. This meta coordinate defines the data-base in term of an implicit collection of data blocks.

SCAN_NUMBER SCAN (ref. ALMA glossary) number. Enumeration relative to the Executing Block.

SUBSCAN_NUMBER SUBSCAN (ref. ALMA glossary) number.

INTEG_NUMBER INTEGRATION (ref. ALMA glossary) number. The enumeration is relative to the SUBSCAN (ref. ALMA glossary).

STATE_ID State identifier (> 0).

UVW Antenna-based uvw coordinates for the Na antennas. This is defined at the centroid time TIME_CENTROID .

EXPOSURE Effective duration of an INTEGRATION (or a SUBINTEG_NUM in the STATE table is > 0).

TIME_CENTROID Time stamp reflecting the average time the non-blanked data was integrated.

DATA_OID Reference to the data cell object. It is an object identifier and, as such, is of type String.

FLAG_ANT Unsigned long int (4-bytes) vector. Each bit corresponds to a specified flagging condition ( e.g. 22 = pointing, 26 = shadowing, ...). When different from zero all data concerning the antenna is affected.

FLAG_POL Unsigned long int (4-bytes) vector . When different from zero all data concerning the polarization and antenna is invalid (all basebands) (e.g. problem incident before the down converters)

FLAG_BASEBAND Unsigned long int (4-bytes) vector. When different from zero all data concerning the baseband and antenna is invalid (e.g. problem incident after the down converters)

FLAG_ROW True if the entire row is flagged.

Table 1: Definition of Flags - taken from SSR
Flag Word BitCondition

FLAG_ANT 0 Last WVR calibration failed
FLAG_ANT 1 Current WVR hardware defect
FLAG_ANT 2 Last pointing calibration failed
FLAG_ANT 3 Last Temperature Scale Calibration failed
FLAG_ANT 4 Temperature Scale Calibration hardware defect
FLAG_ANT 5 Last WVR calibration failed
FLAG_ANT 6 Shadowing
FLAG_ANT 7 LO1 out of lock
FLAG_ANT 8 No correlation detected on last calibrator
FLAG_ANT 9 Too much decorrelation on last calibrator

FLAG_POL 0 Mixer not operational
FLAG_POL 1 Total power aout of range (pol)
FLAG_POL 2 LO2 out of lock
FLAG_POL 3 Integration totally blanked
FLAG_POL 4 Interference detected
FLAG_POL 7 No correlation detected on last calibrator
FLAG_POL 9 Too much decorrelation on last calibrator

FLAG_BASEBAND 0 Last Temperature Scale Calibration failed, Tsys currently estimated
FLAG_BASEBAND 1 Total power out of range
FLAG_BASEBAND 2 Interference detected
FLAG_BASEBAND 3 No correlation detected on last calibrator
FLAG_BASEBAND 9 Too much decorrelation on last calibrator
FLAG_BASEBAND 4 Integration totally blanked


  1. Sub-arrays: For a given TIME and INTERVAL the presence of different CONFIG_DESCRIPTION_ID attributes reflects different sub-arrays. With CONFIG_DESCRIPTION_ID as a key this table can have rows for different arrays, even if their are not synchronized in time. The EXECUTE_SUMMARY table contains an ANTENNA_ID_SET attribute which must at least include all the ANTENNA_ID referenced in the ANTENNA_ARRAY collections used in the Execution Block.
  2. Multi-configurations: In the case of data sets which includes several array configurations, note that there is a CONFIG_NAME in the EXECUTE_SUMMARY table; this allows to distinguish easily the case of several sub-arrays and the case of several array configurations.