AEDF table name Property Purpose Status/MSMv2
MAIN fine temporal Data, coordinates and flags. re-designed
ALMA_CORRELATOR_MODE static Processor mode information. draft
ANTENNA static Antenna characteristics. modified
CALDEVICE quasi-static Calibration device characteristics. new
CONFIG_DESCRIPTION static Configuration description. new
DATA_DESCRIPTION static Spectro-polarization description. modified
DOPPLER static Doppler tracking information. unchanged
EXECUTE_SUMMARY quasi-static Schedule and Execute summary. renamed & modified
FEED quasi-static Feed charactersitics. modified
FIELD quasi-static Field position for each source. modified
FLAG_CMD Flag commands. unchanged
FOCUS quasi-static Focus information. new
FREQ_OFFSET temporal Frequency offset information. modified
GAIN_TRACKING fine-temporal Antenna gain tracking information. new
HISTORY temporal History information. unchanged
OBSERVATION_UNIT quasi-static Observation unit characteristics. new
POINTING fine-temporal Antenna pointing information. modified
POLARIZATION static Polarization information. unchanged
PROCESSOR static Processor characteristics. unchanged
RECEIVER low-temporal Receiver properties. new
SCAN_SUMMARY low-temporal Scan summary information. new
SCHEDULE static Schedule characteristics. new
SEEING med-temporalSeeing information. new
SOURCE static Source information. modified
SOURCE_PARAMETER static Source parameter information. new
SPECTRAL_WINDOW static Spectral window description. modified
STATE static State information. modified
SUBSCAN_SUMMARY low-temporal Subscan summary information. new
SWITCH_CYCLE static Cycle information in switching
SYSCAL med-temporalSystem calibration. modified
TOTAL_POWER_MONITORINGfine-temporal Total power data monitoring. new
WEATHER fine-temporal Weather station information. modified
WVMCAL med-temporalRadiometric calibration method. new

Notes: List of the AEDF tables. The number of rows in these tables depends on the temporal granularity of the informations they hold. The tables with a static content should have a small number of rows. The table with a fine temporal granularity means that they hold informations at a level at least as fine as the the time interval between two successive integrations. The majority of these tables are a legacy of the MSMv2. Some are said new although they were anticipated in the MSv2 document. Most of the MSMv2 tables had to be modified by adding attributes required for ALMA. Some tables are completely new. A few inter-relations between these tables have been modified (for example the Receiver table formely related to the Spectral-window table is now associated to the Feed table).