My recent seminar/conference talks
- Probing supermassive black holes in the Perseus Cluster: NGC 1275 and NGC 1277
Seminar talk at ICRAR, The University of Western Australia, 8 June 2015, in Perth, Australia
- The ultra-massive black hole in NGC 1277 probed via CO kinematics and multi-wavelength analysis
Talk at "Multiwavelength Dissection of Galaxies" (Southern Cross Astrophysics Conference Series VIII), 24-29 May 2015, Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia
- The ultra-massive black hole in NGC 1277 probed via CO kinematics
Talk at a workshop on "Star-formation, feedback and the formation of massive spheroids at high redshift", 11-13 March 2015, in Paris, France
- WiFeS S7 AGN survey
Invited talk at "The Universe of Digital Sky Surveys", a meeting to honour the 70th birthday of Massimo Capaccioli, 25-28 November 2014, in Naples, Italy
- What can narrow-line regions tell us about AGN and their host galaxies?
Lunch talk at ESO Garching, 12 August 2014, in Garching, Germany
- AGN accretion and feedback: The example of Perseus
Talk at IRAM Grenoble, 5 May 2014, in Grenoble, France
- 3D view on ionized gas in Seyfert galaxies
Highlight talk at the 3D2014 conference at ESO, 12 March 2014, in Garching, Germany
- AGN feedback and accretion in Perseus
Seminar talk at MPIfR Bonn, 28 January 2014, in Bonn, Germany
- AGN feedback and accretion in Perseus
Seminar talk at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, 24 October 2013, in Granada, Spain
- Accretion, feedback, and gas excitation in
nearby AGN host galaxies
Symposium 10 ("The
co-evolution of Black Holes and Galaxies") of The European Week of
Astronomy and Space Science, 11 July 2013, in Turku, Finland
- Molecular hydrogen emission in radio
galaxies: the role of accretion and jet feedback
Ringberg Workshop on "Gas Dynamics and Star Formation
in the Extreme Environment of Galactic Nuclei", 21 March 2013,
Ringberg Castle, Germany
- AGN feeding and feedback in Perseus A and
other low-redshift active galaxies
Seminar talk at
Observatoire de Paris, LERMA, 14 September 2012, in Paris, France
- Integral field spectroscopy of AGN host
Seminar talk at the Research School of Astronomy
and Astrophysics, The Australian National University, 17 October 2011, in Canberra, Australia
Last modified: 15 July 2015
Julia Scharwächter