Laurent Pagani
Chercheur au CNRS et l'Observatoire de Paris

I have been interviewed a few times for France 2 and M6 concerning astronomy, but not only (solar panel house, demonstrating, etc.). I miss the old ones. Some recent ones can be found here:

-- The day Herschel was launched (14 may 2009), I was invited at the last minute to come to France 2 "Journal Télévisé de 13H" to present Herschel & Planck.

The trouble was that they were more interested by Planck than by Herschel and of course I was more competent on the latter. . . The complete Herschel & Planck subject is here (duration 5:30 min).

-- For the "Journées du Patrimoine 2011", M6 has come to visit the Observatoire de Paris to present it in the emission "100% Mag". I guide the journalist on the tour.

(duration 0:58 min).

-- Video from my kitchen.

(duration 2:31 min).

-- Video from my kitchen.

(duration 2:05 min).